The Swiss Bring a Modest Proposal to the Next Level
Does anyone out there know who John Swift was? If you do not, he was an Irish Satirist. He wrote Gulliver's Travels, and also an essay named A Modest Proposal. In it, he offered a solution to stop the famine problem in Ireland.
This famine was due to government overregulation of what the Irish could grow. England forced them to only grow potatoes. When the potatoes were hit with a disease, the nation's entire crop was wiped out and the Irish had nothing to eat. That started the potato famine that drove many Irish immigrants to America.
Well, Swift said in this essay that one way to stop the famine was to simply have the Irish eat their own children. It would feed many, and put those little poor children out of their misery too. He wrote it so well, you could feel the snide passive-aggressive anger that must have boiled in his chest. You could read the rage that must have been there as he watched his country starve to death.
Oh well, that was then, right? We would never be so cavalier about life in our enlightened age of secular reason and consistency of rights....right?
Check out this amazing and insightful article.
Truly, does this excite you? Does it make you feel good to know that now they are skinning aborted fetuses to quicken the re-growth of burnt skin? Really read this article and ponder the ramifications. Note that further on toward the end of the article they talk about how the baby's skin cannot be shown to perform any better as a skin graft than an adult's skin. But look at the title of the article. Lies and lies and LIES! ARGH!!!!!
Also, check out paragraph 6 of this article. These sons of bitches at the Washington Post DARE to call this woman the "mother" of the 14 week gestating male! So the child bearing cow gave authorization, after killing the 14 week post conception baby, to skin him and use his body parts for experimentation!?! That's not a mother whether you like it or not! GOD SAVE US ALL!!!!!
Note that, to the Post, it does not matter that a child was killed for this Swiss experiment, but they do not fail to mention that burned children were helped. Is that not the most ironic spin technique you have ever seen?
We in America are not far behind our modest ly proposing Swiss friends. Governor Swarzenegger of California, a.k.a. the Savior by the Left Coast Republican Intelligencia, has authorized $6 Billion over the next ten years to be committed to stem cell research, and embryonic stem cell research is part of that plan. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist is flexing his liberal secular doctor death chops and supporting this infanticide/in-vitro fertilization recycling program as well (see previous post). Even Theologian and Conservative Radio Host Dennis Prager believes we should not compare the 30 million deaths due to abortion since 1973 with the 6 million deaths due to Hitler's Nazi Final Solution.
Sorry, Dennis, but your numbers don't add up and your rationale (that the fetuses do not think therefore the tragedy is less) is hog wash. These are lives treated less than human like the Jews and the slaves and every other group that was weaker than the majority in power. An Abortion Holocaust is what it is...and calling it that does not demean wha thappened to the Jews in Europe.
I am tired and wish sometimes that I could move away from all this horrible relativistic genocide. It makes me sick to my stomach that this article sidesteps and jargon-izes the whole situation, trying to show the reader what to think about this horrible practice. I would move to Canada, but I hear that it is worse there. Maybe Alec Baldwin has some ideas. I heard he was leaving too.
These Swiss experiments are quite simply cannibalism. They are killing our fellow humans, and then they are using their remains for life extension and creature comforts. A life for a life is evil. Ends do not justify means.