The Reason Ranch

Ropin' logic and ridin' it true!

Friday, July 29, 2005

Frist Frucked: the new Doctor Death

Read the latest news about an aspiring Republican Presidential Nominee and weap.

Thanks so much for not considering the lives of snowflake children valuable enough to live, Senator!

What is a snowflake child? Some people cannot conceive by normal means, so doctors harvest eggs and fertilize a bunch with sperm, and create embryos. These embryos are then planted in the woman so she can become pregnant and give birth. Sometimes, the doctors are incredibly lazy and just mass fertilize a bunch of eggs, producing more embryos than the parents wanted. Those embryos are then kept frozen for future use. These babies, no larger than a snowflake, wait for the chance to be unfrozen, implanted and birthed so they can realize the life and liberty we all enjoy.

There are those who do not want to house these embryos and wait for them to be adopted by couples that cannot conceive. The adoptive parents would take those embryos, implant them in the adoptive mother and birth/raise them. This is not a new idea by any means. There are many snowflake kids alive today; those children previously frozen and now birthed and enjoying life like the rest of us.

Some “doctors” (I do not know if they are still considered doctors if they break their Hippocratic Oath and kill babies) would prefer to throw away all those tiny lives instead of pay out the expense of keeping snowflake kids in a frozen state. They argue they are not lives, but commodities like potatoes or coal or other things we can easily buy and trade, and later destroy and experiment on for whatever rationale. These doctors, like the great Doctor Senator Frist, believe it a waste to throw away those commodities when they can be used for experiments that may better the lives of those we deem worthy of life.

Careful, Senator. Think this through.

Frist says he is against abortion because he believes life begins at conception. If that is the case, aren’t these “doctors” taking life by experimenting on these embryos?

How is Dr. Frist different from Nazi “Dr. Death” Joseph Mengela? “Well, the Jews will be killed in the concentration camps anyway, so why not experiment on them and better the rest of mankind?”
How about confederate doctors? “Well, the slaves are not quite human, so why not experiment on them.”

The only reason why there is a benefit to experiment on the snowflake babies or use their stem cells is because THEY ARE HUMAN BEINGS! With this rationale, can't we just say "Hey, prisoners are different than we are, and experimenting on them will cure many untolled lives. Let's do it!" We do not do that type of thing because prisoners have advocates that stop us from acting unethically like that. They have voices that respond with displeasure, make us realize they are human and deserve the respect all life requires. The Jews had voices and faces, and our better nature stopped the holocaust in Europe. The black slaves in America had voices and faces, and slavery was stopped through a Constitutional Ammendment. Further, Black Americans received equal rights by the rule of law through the advocacy of Dr. King and others; faces and voices that allowed us all to relate to their plight, to see they were humans just like us.


I am sorry but I have yet to see a politician/doctor take a moral stand that was not politically calculated. Frist is no better than Howard Dean in ethical viewpoint.

Why is that? You’d think these “doctors”, being so close to the absolute proof of life at these early ages, being so close to the miracle, would understand the gravity of their misguided beliefs. Or is it that they are so familiar with the human body is seams to be more a machine than a sentient life to them?

Well, mark off another hypocrite of the Hippocratic Oath for president. Individual rights trump the fascist's perceived benefit of the collective.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Who judges the judges? Well...ME!

Check this article out my friends.

Ah...nothing like a liberal fighting terrorism. Just think, this would have been the attitude if Franken-Kerry won!

Oh, sure…the court does work so grandly when his honor is at the helm. Right. H e certainly has the right to tear into old W! Bush is violating the rights of people by taking away elected legislature's duly passed laws and manufacturing his own rules by “interpreting” them to mean the exact opposite. Oh wait…that’s not Bush, THAT’S A$$HOLE JUDGES!!

Meanwhile, this Millenium Terrorist guy gets 14 years for bringing 124 pounds of bomb to the US to blow up LA Airport. How man would have died? How many would have suffered?

14 YEARS????

Screw this judge and his self important, codescending remarks, his bloated idiotic notions and his stupid court. It took this judge since 1999 to come up with 14 freaking years for a punishment? For justice?!?!

I cannot wait for the originalist/constructionist/conservative courts to flourish through the next decades.

This judge is a condor. He’s big and powerful and scary…and going extinct. THANK GOD!

Monday, July 25, 2005

Celebrity Dumb-Ass Awards

Runner Up: Ricky Martin

Recently old Ricky, with responsible songs like “She Bangs” and “Shake Your Bon-Bon” professing his love for dignity and peace, met with some Arab youth in Amman, Jordan. There our favorite Latino heart throb said that he knew all about racism and that he would be there for Arabs that felt the racism of being different. He offered to be their “ambassador” to the world to ensure they would never feel the harsh hate of bigotry.

To celebrate his commitment, the Arab youth gave Ricky a scarf that he proudly wore for pictures. On the scarf, written in Arabic, was the slogan “Jerusalem is ours”.

Hmm…I wonder what that means…. That wouldn’t be a racist call for the death to Jews, would it…? Nah, Ricky’s too smart for that.

Award Winner for Today: Scarlett Johansson

Scar-Brain is presently starring in the fantastic movie “The Island”. See my last post regarding its importance. That movie decries the evils of cloning people for spare parts, or creating life to destroy for the convenience and longer life of other beings.

So she read the script, and even played the role of one of the clones they want to kill for spare parts. But in an interview in People Magazine, she talks like she never even read the freaking script!

When asked if she was pro or anti cloning, she stated “I’m pro stem cell research, if that’s what you’re asking. If that could eliminate diseases like Alzheimer’s and polio, that would be incredible. People may say you’re playing with fate. But I think the positive outweighs the negative.”


First off, POLIO HAS ALREADY BEEN CURED, cutie-pie!

Secondly, she MUST be talking about Embryonic Stem Cell Research. That is what is going on in the movie, people take life and grow it and dissect it for use by a “sponsor” of the insurance policy. Her very clone character was almost sliced open for her internal organs after the sponsor was wounded in a car accident. How can she be for the vrey thing this movie argues against unless she is for the killing of innocents to extend the lifespans of elites that can afford it? Talk about a sick little girl!

Thirdly, “…playing with fate.”??? What does that mean? Can we somehow adjust the space-time continuum and play with reality and fate? Unless you’re superstitious (or religious, which usually means the same thing to Hollywood-heads), there is no such thing as fate anyway. I only bring this up because it sounds like so much babble.

The Super-Genius goes on, mentioning she is part of a fund raising committee for Hillary Clinton. When asked why the person living in Hollywood is working on fundraising in Hollywood for New York Senator Hillary Clinton, Scarlett’s response was very moving and rational.

“I think she’s very socially active, and that’s important to me.” Good, a Senator is socially active. That is important, sweetie. What else? “In a country where we have no national health care, no national day care…that’s really important.” Wow, she’s so right. By the way, what country had socialized health care and day care? Oh, yeah, the Soviet Union and Red China. Yep, we need a socially active senator to help us out there, or at least a Socialist-Active senator. We trully want to model our economy and lves on those two nations.

Hey, doesn't China already sell organs of thier executed prisoners? Wow! They really know how to live! Good thinking, Scarlett!!!

Hollywood millionaires…gotta love them, comrade!

An Island Unto Itself

The most important movie I have seen this year is the Island. It stars Obi-Wan Kenobi Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson. The movie was directed by Michael Bay, who made other great action flicks like Bad Boys, the Rock, Armageddon and Pearl Harbor (harbor sucked some…but it was still fun to watch at home).

It gets a B grade from me as a film. The storyline was good, the effects were exciting, but unfortunately the chase scenes and running around became too fanciful. Some of the crud just would never happen in real life, yet they try to sell it that way to an extent. I understand, its sci-fi and we need to suspend disbelief, but some things just go too far.

What makes this film so very important is the content of the story. It is about cloning people for the sake of spare body parts. The elitists that can afford it pay $5 million to have a clone of them created. That way, if they ever need a heart or lung, or want to have a baby and not go through the pain, they can just use their “policy”.

Well, the clones have to be kept somewhere, and Bay shoves them in a Logan’s Run asylum that has horrific ramifications for winning the lottery. Well, what does all this mean?

The one hard thing to do when arguing the cause of Pro-Life (both abortion and embryonic stem cell research) is to put a face on the cause. Frederick Douglas and Harriet Tubman became the faces, the humanity that drove the abolitionist cause. Dr. M. L. King and other African Americans in the 60s became the humanity that we saw when we enacted civil rights legislation.

How do we equate humanity to the faceless in the womb… the faceless frozen in a test tube? They have no voice, they cannot complain, therefore they do not deserve to be called members of humanity.

The Island provides them faces. Cloning is not the only concern here. If we can feel pity for and root on Lincoln 6 Echo, McGregor’s character, we can do the same for the actual children that die every day due to the convenience of abortion and privately funded embryonic stem cell research. Am I making a leap? No, not really. Watch the movie and then think about this memo.

If Lincoln 6 Echo deserves to live, why don’t the weakest and most defenseless deserve the same?