The Reason Ranch

Ropin' logic and ridin' it true!

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Who judges the judges? Well...ME!

Check this article out my friends.

Ah...nothing like a liberal fighting terrorism. Just think, this would have been the attitude if Franken-Kerry won!

Oh, sure…the court does work so grandly when his honor is at the helm. Right. H e certainly has the right to tear into old W! Bush is violating the rights of people by taking away elected legislature's duly passed laws and manufacturing his own rules by “interpreting” them to mean the exact opposite. Oh wait…that’s not Bush, THAT’S A$$HOLE JUDGES!!

Meanwhile, this Millenium Terrorist guy gets 14 years for bringing 124 pounds of bomb to the US to blow up LA Airport. How man would have died? How many would have suffered?

14 YEARS????

Screw this judge and his self important, codescending remarks, his bloated idiotic notions and his stupid court. It took this judge since 1999 to come up with 14 freaking years for a punishment? For justice?!?!

I cannot wait for the originalist/constructionist/conservative courts to flourish through the next decades.

This judge is a condor. He’s big and powerful and scary…and going extinct. THANK GOD!


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