The Reason Ranch

Ropin' logic and ridin' it true!

Friday, June 03, 2005

Old American Century... 14 Points from a bunch of Jack Asses, Part 2

I now continue with my point by point mocking of Jack Asses from Old American Century.


4.) Supremacy of the Military: Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.

Do you ever wonder what is the #1 thing we pay for every year with our taxes? Is it the military? NO. It is Social Security Insurance. That’s right, the wondrous social program that takes your money non-voluntarily so the government can take care of you and give it back to you later in life at a 1-2% interest rate. Oh by the way, if you die before you get all your money back that you invested, it stays with the government. What a deal!

O.K. That said, what is #2…the military? NO. It is social services: Welfare, Medicare and Medicaid. You know, the redistribution of wealth from the tax paying rich to those people who are in need. This is a noble idea, but wrought with abuse. Why do you think medical professionals charge so much? Because they can! Either a) your medical insurance pays for the costs or b) you pay for the costs through government programs.

So, what are we looking at budget wise for #3? You guessed it; it is the $82 Trillion of the military. It is number 3 for cost, and the only service so far that is part of the constitution.

Is it really disproportionate to the domestic agenda? It sure looks like it takes a back seat to Social Security payments to the old and social services to the poor. In addition, the website says even when there are widespread domestic problems. Unemployment is now at 5.1%. Homeownership is at its highest in history. Pay is at its highest too. What are they talking about?

Well, maybe the next one makes sense.

5.) Rampant Sexism: The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Opposition to abortion is high, as is homophobia and anti-gay legislation and national policy.

Where do we start here? Read over the examples on this site. What a bunch of B.S.

Since George Bush thinks that the government should not recognize same sex marriage, he is a sexist? What? Why is this anti-gay? Look, I cannot marry a guy under that type of law just like any other guy. I am straight. So, this law is not against gays, it affects everyone. Secondly, just because the government does not recognize a marriage does not mean you cannot get married. I could give a shoot less if the government recognizes my marriage to my pet goat!

What we’re talking about here is the legal enforcement of entitlements and benefits that come with a sanctioned marriage. The agenda for the left to bring this up as an issue is not to ratify love in the public square. It is to allow more people to get free stuff. QUIT IT!

Being against abortion is being against the death of small babies. This now amazingly qualifies for sexism.

I’m sorry, but I believe Hitler and Stalin were more than happy to abort babies and anyone with defects or who were old or infirm, etc.

Well, this one does not make much sense at all. How about the next one?

6.) Controlled Mass Media: Sometimes the media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.

Forget this flipping list. How can anyone read further down after this one?

I can’t wait to read the next Lampley article!


At 6/5/05, 12:23 PM, Blogger ザイツェヴ said...

There's a neat graphic about it at

At 6/9/05, 10:36 AM, Blogger Ruslfish said...

That's it, comrade? You don't think these points are ridiculous?


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