Minute Men…but not like that….
I would not want to be called a “Minute Man”. I would be mocked for some perceived quickness with my Mrs. People would point their finger at me and laugh, not because of my funny three cornered hat either. I guess Paul Revere didn’t worry about ridicule with a label like that. I guess they just didn’t talk about that stuff in public. The media had other things to communicate. Thomas Payne had other things on his mind I suppose.
So I was reading about some guys who are “patrolling” the border with Mexico.
Wow! I thought we paid taxes to have the federal government do that….
So GW implies they are “vigilantes”. The Mexican military are on their side readying their troops for “action”. Homeland Security sent another 2000 troops to watch the Minute Men, who watch the boarder and illegal immigrants that cross the border.
What does all this mean?
Everything goes back to slavery if you reason it out.
We want cheap labor in the USA. That’s no crime.
Before, we held people against their will and forced them to pick our stuff. That was no crime…until we amended the Constitution.
Before, we raided orphanages and poor children would work 16 hours a day with minimal breaks, wages, safety concerns. That was no crime…until child labor laws came about.
Before, we used women in industrial mills and other tedious jobs and paid them less then men. They weren’t heads of households, and didn’t need as much money as men, right? That was no crime…until we made it illegal.
Now, low and behold, we have found the perfect angle. Let’s get Mexicans to pick our stuff! I love my fruits and veggies cheap! We do not need to pay these Mexicans minimum wage, since they are here illegally. They do not get benefits, etc. They really aren’t Americans…they’re different. We do not have to worry about their safety, their equitable pay, their health or their future. They should be glad we allow them to pick our elitist yummies!
Sounding familiar? The illegal immigrant is this century’s slave.
Vicente Fox (the President of Mexico, dumb-ass) doesn’t care. Illegal Immigrant money that is sent back to Mexico is the #2 contributor to the Mexican economy. Even if his people are treated as second class and slaves, he still gets his big cut.
GW doesn’t care. All those Border States need their stuff picked! And we also love the cheap construction costs, housekeeping, etc. All those industries would have to raise their pay if illegal immigrants went away. Hell, they may have to treat the people doing these jobs with respect! Not in my country, damn it!
I remember Cruz Bustamante, the Lt. Governor of California speak to the illegal immigrant question. He called them “undocumented workers”. This of course, is an attempt to manipulate the problem by changing the label. That is just atypical propaganda.
Cruz asked, “Who will pick our crops? Who will do our manual labor?”
Do you wonder what Jefferson Davis said when the issue of the abolition of slavery came up? I bet it sounded like this.
“Who will pick our crops? Who will do our manual labor?”
Answer: Somebody will, or nobody will, or smart inventors will figure a way to do it.
How do we still get our cotton picked and cleaned and spun and made into the clothes you have on right now (at least I hope you have clothes on, you sick freaks!)? We no longer have slaves doing it. How does it get done?
Holding on to the slavery of illegal immigration hurts us in many ways. Please consider each I offer.
1) We treat an entire group of people as less than human. Don’t give me this voluntary garbage, either. We established a minimum wage, a retirement and insurance safety net, a medical assistance plan, OSHA, DOL, and the other alphabet soups to ensure all men (in the gender neutral sense) were treated fairly and equally. This does not happen when illegal immigrants fall under the radar. They are slaves, and don’t mince words.
2) Emergency systems such as hospitals and other government sponsored systems like schools get short changed when tax dollars from legal workers and allocations from government programs do not recognize illegal immigrants’ existence. All our services drop in quality when an unknown drain occurs.
3) We subjugate a group of people, and in the end get something for nothing (or less in this case). Where then is the motivation to invent a new more efficient system if we already do well in the present state? Look at cars. We’re doing just fine right now with internal combustion engines. Why don’t we have alternative fuel cars right now? NO, big business isn’t stopping it. Our demand (more over our lack of demand) stops it in its tracks. It’s the same with a different and fairer way to pick crops. Things are so cheap now, why change?
4) Mexico needs to either become more self sufficient as a nation or its people need to overthrow their current system and change. As an example, why is Castro still in charge of Cuba? It is not because he’s doing such a swell job. They live poorly. They have medical problems. They drive around in ancient cars and rely on 1950s and 60s technology to get by. I submit to you the real reason is America’s immigration policy with Cuba. Any Cuban that can make it to our shores can automatically stay. So, instead of disgruntled Cubans staying in Cuba and getting pissed off and knocking Castro out of the picture, they come to Florida. What if Mexicans stayed in Mexico and had to fend for themselves? Do you think the corrupt system presently in place would exist for very long? It doesn’t take Che Guevara to figure out the Mexican people are being cheated by the Fat Cats and that changes are necessary to assure Mexico’s future.
So a bunch of pot bellied guys in their forties sit in lawn chairs near the Arizona/Mexico border and call the cops when people try crossing over. OK. If anything, they serve as a symbol to make us think, even if it is for just a minute.
Yes, the people cross over for a better life. Yes, they try to escape corruption and poverty. I await them with open arms, right after they register legally and gain the rights every other worker in the USA has. I do not want the slave trade that has been sneaking over my border anymore.
I agree on the level that they are illegal and therefore need to be documented. Just like other workers in the US, they deserve the safety net of minimum wage and other benefits. They should also pay for th eother side of this; payroll and Federal/State taxes.
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