The Reason Ranch

Ropin' logic and ridin' it true!

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Winter Quarter Wind Down

Well, Professor Bill was satiated for the winter 2005 quarter at our local Junior College. He now has received my two day presentation on Earth in the Balance by Al Gore, and a ten to fourteen page essay on my “ideal structure for a government". I have to get started on my letter to the Dean about him. I think I received an A in the class, but then that isn't the point, is it?

Ideal structure for a government.... No, not really. It was really just an attempt at something fun. I called my imaginary country the Union of Self Governing Provinces (the Provincial Union for short) and its governing system a triocracy. I poked fun at how everything interesting or “balanced” in appearance seems to break down into threes.

-Our Legislative, Executive and Judicial Branches in the U.S.
-Our “natural rights” of Life, Liberty and Property (ala John Locke)
-See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil
-The Father, Son and Holy Ghost
-Rock, scissors, paper
-Larry, Moe, Curly

Like I said, all things that appear perfectly balanced and fair seem to sum up into three categories. Anyway, he looked pleased and acted very satisfied with my sucking up to the BS AL Gore threatens will happen if we don’t dry hump a tree instead of cut it down and make paper and houses and firewood. Ugh!

Take a half glass of water. Drop in a few ice cubes…enough to have some underwater and some above. Locate the water level within the glass. Draw a line on the glass where the water level is. Now let the ice melt. What happened to the water level?

So, we have a bunch of glacier ice floating in the ocean right now. Some of it is melting in some scientists’ opinion more than it should. These same scientists claim the coast cities will all be flooded and the water levels will rise once this happens. Look at your glass of water, and see what happened when the mass of your glacier was ice and then when it became water. Did the mass of that glacier water, between solid and liquid form, change?

Oh well, at least I’m not ranting about the precious God-given life that is going to be snuffed out in Florida because she cannot ask them to stop it herself. But then, the weak are never as valuable as the obnoxious. Hey, maybe we can suck out her stem cells too and experiment on them. She doesn’t need them anymore than those messy aborted babies….


At 3/25/05, 7:41 AM, Blogger Ruslfish said...

Ah…the party line. And which party would that be, the party of Senator Tom Harkin from Iowa, or of Joe Lieberman from Connecticut?

And would that party line be a true Pro-Life Party Line?
-Anti Death Penalty
-Anti Homosexual Marriage

I would love to know which party that is so I can join it. I think that is actually called Judeo-Christian ethic, not Democrat or Republican or Liberal or Conservative. I do not think there is a party like that.

Instead of embracing a party line, perhaps I embrace the benefit of the doubt. Or is it better we just once again get rid of the inconvenient bags of cells that cannot speak for themselves, you know, like the annoying fetuses that keep growing like cancer in our free loving women.

“Well, I would not want to live like that.”

OK. I would not either. But, if you present the two choices I have no experience in, catatonia or death, which one would I pick? Instead, why don’t we ask some people who have experience? Well, we can ask the ones that came out of the “vegetative states” after ten plus years. The ones that were dead for ten years and recovered haven’t got back to me yet.

Oh, never mind. Her “husband” is tired of her. And fuck the parents. What do they know?

I understand I am only a person with an opinion…MY OPINION. I take no lead from Man on my opinion on this one. I file into no party line. I know I would live the rest of my life working as hard as I could to get that “occasional smile” you mention from Roxane whenever I could. She would be the best kept vegetable in the garden. I certainly would not subject her to the two week pain of dehydration and starvation for my own convenience, anymore than I would have killed either of my two children in my wife’s womb because they would be a pain in the ass at some point.

Now think a little about Terri. She is already groaning out loud due to the pain. Her eyes are already rolling back as she grimaces in pain. Her tongue has swollen. Her skin is peeling off. She is alive, and slowly, painfully dying.

Now you tell me who is being selfish and cruel: a person who would allow that, then death or the person who would comfort his wife trapped in a shell for as long as she could hang on.


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