Why the Resistance to Existence?
Ms. Terri is now gone. The Pope was just reported dead as well. There sure is a lot of death these days. I find it a recurring theme in my thoughts and its physical representation (this blog). Please indulge me a little while longer on this subject.
The Schiavo case is such an anomaly in regards to coverage and content. It stopped being about the legal rights of a human in America. It became this ridiculous tug-of-war between the wishes of relatives. That’s not what this should be about. I could give a shit about what Mike Schiavo or the Schindlers or Sean Hannity or Chris Matthews thinks. Fuck them! None of them have a say. Only Ms. Terri does. She could not speak for herself, so a dumb-assed all important judge “rules” off a 6 year old recollection from an old husband who has all but remarried to another woman he has 2 kids with.
Wrong, wrong, wrong! Life is the important result, not death or a government's ruling on it!
Thousands of people are in similar physical conditions. Some will live on, and their families will take care of them. Some will die as loved ones unplug them from machines that extend their silent days. Some believe these families have a terrible burden and choice to make. I do not. Sorry, there is no choice. Sorry to get theological on you, but the Higher Power, the Creator makes these calls already. This is true both legally and morally. Let me expound.
“…all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness….”
It’s simple. Our right to life, our life is endowed by our Creator, not a judge or a law. This is true especially in the United States. Our founding fathers made sure that they recognized God as giving out the rights. You and I and Michael Schiavo and Judge Greer do not have the power to make the decision to pull feeding tubes from other people, PERIOD. Our responsibility and duty is to connect those feeding tubes and extend that person’s life. We’re talking about food and water here, team, not an Iron Lung or a dialysis machine. This wasn’t a body being pumped and jolted and manipulated to continue to live. This is about starvation. For crying out loud, we hand out sandwiches to people. Are we saying if the person can no longer chew they deserve to die?
She was alive. Yep, that life looked pretty darn shitty. Yep, we did not know if she recognized her surroundings or family or that she was even alive. That does not matter. We are not entitled to judge the value of life in different stages per the Constitution. Read the Constitution. It is not about what rights people have. It’s about all the things the government better not do unless they want the people to rise up, destroy that government and start again. It keeps the government in line, not the people. Some perceive this government has a “right” to decide whether or not a comatose person should be allowed to live, or to mediate the decision between family members. This is only a recent “right” given to those with an opinion by Judges who “interpret” their opinions from plainly written documents that make no mention of their conclusions. Heck, they can even ignore plainly written laws if they “feel” like it.
What’s the truth now? A husband that does not want the wife to live can have that wife killed, as long as that wife is incapable of saying otherwise.
Compare it to an analogous situation. If your brother is an extremely ugly person that looks miserable because he is so ugly, why can’t you petition the government to save him the pain of living a life you would not wish to live?
Well, because he can speak for himself and say he wants to live.
So, as long as you can represent yourself, you deserve to live, right? That means the weak that cannot represent themselves have no right to live.
-Euthanasia of the comatose is OK since they cannot complain.
Another analogy:
-Abortions are OK since they cannot complain.
This is, in fact, law. An unborn child is a human life…unless a “mother” (I cannot believe I have no other choice but to use the term “mother”) says they are not. An 8 month pregnant woman drives down to the abortion clinic with the intent of destroying that child. She is hit by a drunk driver. The unborn child dies from the accident. That drunk driver can be charged with murder. Scott Peterson is another example. Why was he charged with second degree murder for his unborn son Connor if Lacy could have gone down to Planned Parenthood that day and had little Connor killed?
What’s the truth now? A mother that does not want the child to live can have that child killed, as long as that child is incapable of saying otherwise.
If the mother dislikes that silent life, that human life is not a person.
If the husband dislikes that silent life, that human life is not a person.
Our courts are imperfect. They need to realize this, or they need to go away. They do not have the legal power to rule on these subjects. Life is already the rule. And yet, these courts are all0wed to make these rulings with nothing more than a wimper.
I feel the anger well in my fingers as I type this.
I’m done for now. My fingers hurt from digging deeply into my keyboard.
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