The Reason Ranch

Ropin' logic and ridin' it true!

Monday, May 16, 2005

America...F*@K YEAH!

Team America is coming out tomorrow on DVD...and all msut get it! It is the funniest thing out last year. If you do not get this show, you're missing out.

The South Park guys made the puppet film. I think they lost money on it, but I'm not sure. It didn't do too well in the theatres. That's too bad. Now I'm sure they won't make anymore.

You have to appreciate the humor of South Park to enjoy this movie. So, don't go into this thinking your getting Star Wars effects or Godfather acting. It is a funny story and a good time.

There are two songs in the movie that will make you tear up laughing. One has the same title of this post.



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