Death Becomes Them, and They Become Death
Death becomes them, and they become death.
I have struck up the conversation or blogged many people I love and admire regarding the Terri Schiavo situation. Their opinions vary. Some say they would never want to live that way and would prefer death to vegetable status. Some see it as a right to life issue and do not know how to expound on that.
I see this case the same way I see abortion.
This woman is clearly an inconvenience to the person who is responsible for her, and instead of allowing the process of adoption (or surrendering her to her parents), he wants her dead. I do not buy the “she’s brain dead” or “she would not want to live the way she does now” or any of it.
-“She’s brain dead.”
What does that mean? Is that a medical term? What is the catalyst for that diagnosis being the right one versus the equal amount of diagnoses that say she can recuperate somewhat? I heard the husband tried to rehabilitate her. I heard he did not try hard enough. I have heard enough. It doesn’t matter. Keep trying until that heart gives out, not your feeble resolve.
-“She would not want to live the way she does now.”
No kidding? I would not want to live that way either. That does not make my only two choices either full body function or death. I am not living in that state right now, so how would I know that things would be so bad I would try death instead of catatonia? The arrogance to assume you know a living person would be better off dead is amazing! Who made you psychic or empathic enough to weigh those options? By the way, they are not options! You do not have a choice between continuing to feed an injured person or just letting them die. Well, you don’t if you value your soul.
These people are the same ones that tell you a woman has “the right to choose”.
+Really? Choose what?
-Choose the right to make her own medical decisions.
+What do you mean? People are stopping women from making medical decisions? Can she not have an appendectomy if she needs it?
-Well, no, the medical decision to have certain medical procedure.
+Oh, you mean the completely voluntary procedure to kill a baby? Isn’t that more a procedure to end the life of another person? The changes to the mother’s body are only collateral to the killing of the child. Therefore, she is making no decision about her body.
-Grrrrrr! How dare you twist my words! You are hateful!!!
-You heard me!
Well, enough role-playing. Let’s face facts. There is a person who clearly does not want Terry to go on living in her current condition: her “husband”.
(Can he even be called her husband when he is already married to another woman in all ways except for a marriage certificate authorized by a church and the state?)
There are others who want her dead as well. They would feel better with her dead. That death would fill a void they have that is filled with a type of worship that has been around for some time. These people worship death.
-Killing unborn children is OK. They cannot call out in pain for themselves, so they do not deserve consideration.
-Killing the weak and frail and injured is OK. They cannot call out in pain for themselves, so they do not deserve consideration.
-Human life is the same as animal life. I “love” my pet and will pay several thousands of dollars to have her fed, de-clawed, operated on and buried with a full funeral.
-There is no God.
-All religions are for the weak.
-Faith is a country singer, not a calling.
Look at the list above. Who fits it? Hitler? Stalin? Chairman Mao? Che Guevara?
Michael Moore? Sadam Hussein?