So I was cruising the web and went to check out Arianna Huffington’s new Blog site, the Huffington Post. I thought I’d check out who is really writing for her.
Dianne Keaton? …wow…and she seems so smart in all her movies. I bet she is really good. [lol]
Jim Lampley? …isn’t he the sports guy? What the hell is going on? This is a guy whose debates include whether or not Mike Tyson should box again.
Well, Lampley was complaining about a politician and calling him illegitimate and a fascist. Guess who? Hmm……
Well Check out this website he links on as his evidence that we are descending into evil. Read them over carefully. There will be a test later.
OK. So, let’s go over what we learned, and the key 14 points.
1.) Powerful and Continuing Nationalism: Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.
So, according to Laurence Britt (who?), patriotic things like symbols, slogans, songs, etc are fascist indicators. That’s kind of dumb.
There is nothing to fear but fear itself.
-Paraphrased slogan from the Fascist FDR when he set out to combat the Great Depression
Uncle Sam Wants You.
-Slogan attached to the symbolic Uncle Sam to help draft an army to stop Nazism.
Loose Lips Sink Ships
-Slogan used to remind people not to let intelligence out during World War II.
“Glory, glory Hallelujah! His truth keeps marching on!”
-Song filled with conviction that kept the Union army marching, eventually putting an end to the separation of the United States and an end to slavery in the country.
In a nutshell, this use of symbolism rallies troops. It is not a tool of fascism anymore than a gun is a tool of fascism. Just like a gun, symbolism can be used to rally good guys too, like it has throughout American History.
Well, it’s only the first point. Maybe this will grow as the countdown continues.
2.) Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights: Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.
The site shows proof like all the Geneva Convention violations America has on the Gitmo detainees from Afghanistan. SO?!?! They were not wearing uniforms. That alone is reason enough not to apply the Geneva Convention rules. Let alone that they never signed the Geneva Convention, and therefore cannot be part of the TREATY! It is not international law. It is a treaty we signed so that when our combatants get captured, they will be treated halfway decently and not summarily killed by the other nations that signed. You know, we won’t indefinitely detain and torture your country’s people, and you guys don’t arbitrarily kidnap our people and cut off their heads while filming the results for primetime Al Jazeera. Or, how about you guys not blowing up citizens and soldiers with suicide bombers not identified with uniforms. Or not torturing us. In fact, how about not stealing commercial American jets and ramming them into the Pentagon and the Twin Towers. Each one of these acts is against the Geneva Convention.
Once Al Qaeda signs the Geneva Convention Treaty, stops indiscriminately kidnapping, torturing and killing non-combatants and puts on uniforms. Until then, this point is considered BS. The Geneva Convention and Human Rights are not synonymous.
America is the most companionate nation in World History. No other nation does what we do to take care of our neighbors. Heck, we even sent money to Iran to help their earthquake relief. We oppose human rights? Work harder than this, please.
3.) Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause: The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial, ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.
Welcome to the frenzy, all!
How pathetic! Liberals are saying there are being picked on. Boo hoo. They are saying the conservative media’s accusations are akin to Nazi Gas Chambers. Look at the list above.
“liberals, communists, socialists, terrorists, etc.”
Yep, that about does it for me. :)
I do not see them as scapegoats. That would imply that we are in a horrible state right now and need to point at someone to blame for our poor conditions. The Nazis did this.
I see the liberals and communists and socialists as just wrong. No offence intended. They just have bad ideas that do not work out. American liberals and socialists prove themselves wrong all the time. They support big government agendas and they just don’t work long term. Communists…true communists…are anarchists and believe in the estate-less state, no monetary system, the redistribution of wealth, etc. Show me when that has actually occurred, and I’ll give you my opinion. In the mean time, call the Soviet Union and Red China and Cuba what they are: socialist. In any event, no one is identifying these entities for any other reason than that their ideas are stupid. Some of the conservative writers go to the extreme and say imprudent things. You will not, however, see the Republican Party or the Bush Administration defend those words. Last time I checked Hannity, Coulter, Limbaugh and the rest do not work for the Bush Administration. They make tons of money writing books about the irony and idiocy of socialist thought.
Then there are the terrorists. Do I need to expound on this one? Do I need to point out they are not scapegoats? Hitler round up the Jews and others and killed them. Stalin rounded up the Jews and Christians and anyone who disagreed and killed them. Phol Pot, Chairman Mao, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara all the same. None of them rounded up the enemy, forced them to stop attacking and threatening others, rebuilt their economy and assisted in democratic reforms.
Sorry. Well, that’s only the first three. We’ll check out the rest later.