The Reason Ranch

Ropin' logic and ridin' it true!

Friday, February 25, 2005

Let Me Decide

I am tired of all these jerks telling me that social security is this wonderful system that should never be touched or changed. BS! I have a Universal Life Insurance Policy. I pay far less into it than social security insurance (the real, full name for Social Security). If I die, my family gets $500k. With Social Security, they get a spittle of money. Once I reach 57 years old, I get about $40k a year. I'll get about $12k from SSI.

Why the difference? It's real simple. The government is running SSI. The Universal Life Policy was voluntary, and there are several companies that compete for my business. The government people running SSI will not lose their job or customers if they have crappy performance. They do not have to keep me happy, or their overhead low. The businesses, on the other hand, WILL GO OUT OF BUSINESS if they do nothing. Apathy equals death to them. Their care and stress is my better return and deal.

Now just think if you could pay less than the payroll tax and get back 3 to 4 times more out of the situation? YOU CAN! Get rid of FDR's dinosaur turd of a system!

Prof Bill pleasently surprises

Amazingly enough, Wednesday Prof Bill commented to the class on my research and said I did a good job, and then allowed the class to take the additional copies he scooped up. Wow, you'd think he was starting to see the light.

Then he went into the "bush is evil" diatribe again, and lost me once more. I had to skip class yesterday (work gets in the way of fun!), but if anything new or exciting happens, I'll update you.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Prof Bill continues....

I came in early into my Political Philosophy class today with 15 copies of my data showing President Bush in fact showed up for Guard duty and that my professor was ignorant. I plopped down the copies, along with copies of a CATO Institute essay on the Ownership Society. The kids filed in and picked up both copies as they passed by the podium to their seats. There were a few copies left when my favorite Berret wearing professor walked in. He had a small cowboy hat on today, though. The kind of hat James West wore on the Wild Wild West.

He saw the remaining copies and grunted, "what's all this?"

I spoke up. "The information you asked me to get for you, sir. The evidence that George Bush did his time in the guard as required."

"Not articles, but documentation...evidence?"

"Yep. It's all right there."

He would not even look me in the eye. He scooped up the papers and hid them under his podium. The class then went on. He went on to tell us the Palenstinians had a "perfect right" to blow up Isrealis. Since we supported Isreal, we got 9/11. He then said George Bush uses "Gun Boat Diplomacy" when he said the Syrians should get out of Lebanon.

His next favorite subject, Condoleeza Rice, came up. Today he said she looked like the yellow foot fungus cartoon character in recent commericals about toe nail disease. He then mocked her with a African-American female accent, inflecting the name "Riiysssse", throwing in "ya'lls", etc. Secretary Rice doesn't talk like that. He was being racist, plain and simple.

So, he ignores evidence that proved his previous claims wrong, advocates the continued deaths of Jews, mocks the firs Afirican-American female Secretary of State in a racist way, and again teaches us nothing about Political Philosophy. By the way, he demanded an assignment he did not assign on Thursday for today, and told us we should have known to do it. I will still get an A out of this class, but come on!

Once he called the end of class, I went up front, pulled my research copies from his podium and put them out for others to take as they passed by. He was disturbed by this.


Friday, February 18, 2005

A Fellow Student Last Night

So last night I saw a fellow student from Foothill College on the Hannity and Colmes show. The show is pretty popular as cable news shows go, and is on the Fox News Channel. The kid's name is Ahmad and he received a severely raw deal from Foothill and one professor in particular. I remember reading about his problems on this website a month or so ago.

This was pretty tough for a 17 year old to go through. I wish him luck and also extend a hand if he needs it. Maybe a little solidarity would help.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Addendum: Prof. Bill and his liberal pills

God bless Even if it is bloody with liberal slant, all the data I need for Tuesday to show Professor Bill he's a retarded Marxist with delusions of Fox Mulder importance was there. It even has PDF docs that come from the AF archives that show official visits and numbers for Bush in the AIr National Guard.

I'm printing it up right now. Yippee! I think when I hand it out I'm going to give the class the old Jack Lord speech. Have you ever watched Hawaii 5-0? At the end of every episode Jack Lord (as Police Chief Steve McGarret) would get all preachy and give this big self-important speech about how cool and righteous he was. What a prick! I will be like that!!!!

Maybe not. Maybe I'll just hand it out and smile politely and let the class figure it all out: I am a genius and incredibly wise and Prof. Bill is a twisted biased snob that needs to cork the opinion and get to teaching some political philosophy.

We'll see....

Proffessor Bill and the ESA (Evil States of America)

"Kennedy was not killed by Oswald. The mob, FBI, rich Texas oil men and Lyndon Johnson did it."

"A woman in her 20s cannot be held responsibile for statuatory rape of a 12 year old boy she teaches in a class. Love makes us do crazy things, like rape children."

"Social Security is just fine. Leave it alone. Bush is only trying to scare us into givin gall the social security money to his friends on Wall Street."

"You are not really free unless the government provides you food, clothing, shelter and medical care. Then you can be free. Everything else is the imprisonment of capitalism."


Welcome to Political Philosophy Class in a California Silicon Valley community college. One of my goals in life is to become degreed. This is much like pedigreed for dogs as far as I am concerned. The best dogs in my mind are the mutts. They are happy and fun and do incredible things. The well bred dogs are slightly retarded from in-breeding and cost more than they are worth. College educated folks usually are the same way. However, degrees open doors. I want more open doors.

So Professor Bill of Political Philosophy told us, as a fact, that George H. W. Bush went to Paris in early 1980 and met with Iranians. He made a deal with them. The Iranians agreed not to let the hostages free until after the election. This would cause Jimmy Carter to lose and Ronald Reagan to win.

Professor Bill often goes into perplexing diatribes about the evil Bush clan. It has nothing to do with better understanding the organizational structures of socialism, capitalism, communism, fascism, etc. or how Hobbes applied the principles of the Leviathan to sovereign power or how Kant believes we are “free to perform our duty”. He does not care about that. We are a captive audience that must somehow please him to get a good grade to pass the class to move on to getting a degree to then join the kennel club known as the free market.

What a freakin’ retard! This isn’t the first slice of bullshit he has hacked off and put on a paper plate for our consumption. It won’t be the last.

I raised my hand defiantly and waited for him as he ignored me for about 10 minutes until finally I blurted out "Where do you get that info, sir?"
He looked at me stupefied. "Well it was all over the papers and magazines at the time."
"Really, sir? Which ones?"
"Well, Time and all the rest."

I could take no more. There are 19 year olds in this class, conditioned to take whatever this bloated Bolshevik spews as gospel. Lies like this one just can't stand without a hearty challenge. "I don't buy that crap for a dime, Mister. If you were upset that Carter lost, fine. Don't mire Reagan’s election with your filth just because you voted a different way. Pass along some evidence to this or back off the claim." Remember, true believers, this is a Political Philosophy class. You should never make a philosophical claim and demand it has merit if you cannot back it up with proof and a rational argument.

He stammered and stuttered and changed the subject, as he often does.

Today in his class, he said that Bush did not spend the time he was supposed to in the Guard. Prof. Bill had nothing to back this up. When I challenged his assertion, he told me to provide the proof. HOW RETARDED! I am not making the claim against Bush! He should supply the proof!!!
I did not care. I said I would bring the data in for him on Tuesday when we meet again.
Now I need to go find the stuff. Thank God for the Internet. I’ll find what I need there I am sure.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Hello Poopy

"Hello Poopy."

My son recently told me this and then laughed chaotically, like he was about to kill James Bond with a laser.

My son connected the dots. Poopy sounds like papa. He can call me poopy and play the word game with me and mock me in his diabolical loving way.

To him, this is funny.

To me, it's funny too. I will not call him poopy, however, in retaliation. He's only 22 months old.

Welcome to the Reason Ranch

This is my first attempt at blogging, so please be kind.

I am going to drop a rant or two off every-so-often and expect to feel better about myself because of it. If you see something you'd like to comment on, please do so.

Get out your lasso. Strap on your spurs. There's reason out there we need to rustle. Who better than the Russellfish to do it?