The Reason Ranch

Ropin' logic and ridin' it true!

Friday, September 30, 2005

Tomasaurus Rex

Tommy is now 2 years and 4 months old. He is very funny, and a dancing genious. Yesterday, we both danced to the theme song of the TV Show Survivor if front of the TV in our living room. He is much shorter than I am, coming only to the top of my leg. You would think this would make it hard to have Tommy as a dancing partner. You would be wrong. Tommy did a great job with inerpretive dance to the Survivor theme music. He was also an exceptional dancing partner, allowing me to make some well placed interpretive moves as well. We both recieved a round of applause from my wife and 9 year old daughter as we took our bows and CBS went to commercial.

Tommy is also an exceptional interpreter for worldly creatures. He knows what noises several different animals make. Although he has never seen one face to face, he can also successfully imitate the roar of a dinosaur. I do not know what type of species of dinosaur (Tommy will not tell me for some reason), but I would guess the T-Rex. I will ask Tommy "What does a dinosaur say?" at some opportune moment during the early evening as we chew on popcorn watching some Pixar movie.

He'll look at me with that evil smile, the trademark of the Ruslfish family line, and say "Rwarhhhgh!" He'll then bare his fore claws, drop his head low and hunch over, pacing in a semi circle around me, looking for a weakness or opening to bite or claw at me. I must defend myself, grabbing Tomasaurus Rex and blowing hard on his belly until he laughs himself to exhaustion.


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