They don't give me my props!
To be honest, I have been feeling pretty down lately. In California, there were some props up for vote and they all failed to pass.
One prop (73) wanted to make it illegal to perform an abortion on an under aged girl without her parent’s permission. It also established a 48-hour waiting period for under aged abortions too. By the way, they just passed a law that made it illegal to pierce an under aged girl’s ears without a parents permission.
Another prop (74) changed the amount of time a teacher had to work before reaching tenure. It is 2 years now in California. The prop would have made it 5 years. What the hell is this tenure deal anyway? It is supposed to protect college professors who speak their mind from being fired. Why does a second grade teacher need tenure? Will she say something scandalous about Elmo that might get her fired? Does your job grant you tenure?
Prop 75 does not allow a union to spend a union members dues on political campaigns unless you give the employee gives them permission. The Union special interests spent $250 million in advertising against this prop to make sure they could spend $250 million against this prop. Ironic! Just think what GM’s unions could have done to secure pension plans with that $250 million….
So if Prop 76 would have passed, the state legislature would be restricted on spending increases to only a 3 percent or so increase per year. If the state later found that they spent too much and needed to cut something, the governor would call for a reduction. The legislature would then have 45 days to make the cuts, or the governor would be given the power to do it. Wow…how horrible. The state would have to live within its means like you and me. It sure is easy to spend money you didn’t earn….
Prop 77 was the biggy. If it passed, the legislature would not be able to rig elections by setting up their own congressional districts. Allowing this is allowing people to pick who they want to vote in their election. Ridiculous, right? Well, that made far too much sense for California. It was defeated, of course, by a 19.7% margin. You see, we like our elections rigged in California.
Props 78 and 79 were programs set up to socialize prescriptions. They both used “discount drugs” in the titles. Thank God they were shot down.
Finally, Prop 80 would have added more bureaucracy on the utilities industry out here. Yeah, that’s what we need…more government involvement in utilities. We already pay waaaaaaaay to much. Nothing like funneling tax money into it to slow the utility companies more so they charge us more. Talk about lose-lose. That was shot down too.
So, same old same old.
I just hoped something positive would happen. Instead, Union special interests and those who just want to get a Republican out of the Governor office fought some props that would melt the ice-lock-grip of these corrupt bastards on our local government. The TV commercials they played were just lies. It was so hard to watch as the lazy sucked up whatever they were told on TV and from their Union bosses.
Will California be saved, or is it just destined to crumble under its own bloated weight?
Stay tuned.
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